Mes Amis
While I only have a few friends who have active web sites (and are willing to give me the addresses to those sites), they are still good ones. The following are the only ones that I know of. Enjoy.
- Colleen
- A great person, and a member of the Wagner swim team in New York. I met her while in Hawaii. Small world, huh?
- Peter
- A techno-geek in the true sense of the word, this guy knows a heck of a lot more about computers than I will for a long, long time. Check out his site - it looks just as good in a graphic browser or a text-based browser.
- Andy
- Another guy who knows a lot about computers. Known him since high school.
- Jeff
- A fellow musician I went to high school with. Has some good music links and a decent site overall, despite the fact that it's a geocities site.
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The Man Behind The Curtain
© 2000, 2001
Nimchuk, Inc.
St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A.