The Man Behind the Curtain

Who I Am

This is the section where I tell you who I am and why I spent all the time to build this site. To begin with, my name is Bill Nimchuk. I am a third-year student attending the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. My hometown is Bloomington, Minnesota, the third-largest city in Minnesota at roughly 86,000. I am studying for a music performance major on the clarinet, a computer science minor, and a jazz studies minor on saxophone. I am also an Assistant Scoutmaster in my Boy Scouts troop (Troop 445 out of Savage, Minnesota). In addition, I am an active member of my church during the summer months (merely because I have no transportation at school). My family is very large, if only because my parents divorced and both remarried.

I don't really have a good reason for building this site. I guess it was mainly to make a center for information on music. Besides, I needed to work on my HTML. This site was written entirely in HTML in Microsoft Notepad -- a text document -- rather than using one of the drag-and-drop web publisher suites. While I realize that the site is somewhat simplistic, I also know that it can be viewed in most browsers, including text-only ones.

I am sure I will come up with more to say about myself, but at the moment I am running dry. You can view pictures of myself, my friends and family in my photo album in the near future. Links to some of my friends' sites can be found here.

Comments can be sent to the webmaster.


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© 2000, 2001
Nimchuk, Inc.
St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A.