This is to serve as an online directory to the pages I feel are helpful in their fields. While this listing is by no means comprehensive, nor will it likely ever be so, it allows me to find the pages I need without cluttering up my bookmarks. It also lets others find sites without having to wade through the ocean of links found by common search engines in search of the single pearl in the bunch. Many of these were provided by the Yahoo insert Access in the local paper. Each specific page will have the editors of the article it was taken from, as well as the date for that specific issue. I found it easier to compile a list of those sites I found useful, rather than make links to their site. The rest I found on my own to be useful. Feel free to send me the name and URL of a site if you think it is worth adding to this listing.
Archaeology Sites
College Help Sites
Dinosaurs Sites
Free E-Mail Sites
Free E-Postcard Sites
History Sites
Homework Help Sites
Music Links
Links you would like posted, or comments about this site, can be sent to the webmaster.